Working interstate

Your long service leave entitlement can also be taken with you across Australia!

Each State and Territory in Australia has its own portable long service scheme for the building and construction industry. If you are working interstate, your employer will need to register you with the scheme in the state you are working which means you will no longer be registered with us. But the good news is, all schemes have entered into an agreement to recognise the service days accrued in other schemes. This means, once you have accrued enough service days across Australia you will be able to take long service leave!

If you are going to start working interstate, it's a good idea to contact the scheme in that State to check the type of work you will be performing is eligible to be registered (as the rules of each scheme are different). You will then need to keep track of how much service you have recorded in each scheme. When you think you have sufficient service days to take long service leave (according to the requirements of the scheme in which you are currently, or were last, registered), you will need to make a claim to that scheme.

If you've already worked interstate, you can upload copies of your interstate service statements through the Worker Portal. Once we have reviewed the statements you'll be able to see an estimate of your combined entitlement across all schemes.

When you make a claim, each scheme will determine how much your entitlement is using the rate of pay that is applicable in their legislation. You will then be paid the sum of the amounts calculated by each scheme.


You have been working in South Australia for the past 5 years. Prior to working in South Australia you accrued 4 years service with the Western Australian scheme and 2 years service with the New South Wales scheme. As your service combined across Australia is more than 10 years (the qualifying time for long service leave in South Australia) you are eligible to take long service leave.

We will calculate the amount for the weeks of leave accrued in South Australia by using your average ordinary earnings over the preceding 12 months. WA and NSW will determine how much your entitlement is for the weeks of leave accrued in their schemes, using the rate of pay applicable in their legislation. We will then pay you the sum of the amounts.

The contact details for each scheme are listed below.